
Drug Offences are violations of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA), involving all types of illicit drugs, including: Possession, Obtaining, Trafficking, Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking, Importing and Exporting.

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Disorderly Conduct

These offences involve various forms of “unruly” behavior, resulting in a range of transgressions to others, including: Mischief (vandalism), Causing a Disturbance, Trespassing, Obstruction, Resisting Arrest, Escaping from Custody, and Perjury.

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driving offense

Impaired & Driving Offences

These offences involve the use of a motor vehicle and include offenses such as: Impaired Driving (DUI), Dangerous Driving, Fail to Stop for Police, Street Racing and Hit and Run.

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Thefts and Property Offences

Property offences involve any conduct designed to have a negative impact upon the property or finances of another person. These offences include: Shoplifting, Car Theft, Mischief (vandalism), B&E;, Arson, Fraud, Robbery, and “White Collar Crimes.

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Violent offences involve either threatened or actual harm to another person, whether physical or psychological, and are treated seriously by the Courts.

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Weapons offences involve possession or use of a variety of weapons, including: Knives, BB guns, Batons, Pepper spray, Rifles and Handguns.

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Breaches involve violations of court orders and result in new criminal charges, such as breaches of a: Summons, Promise to Appear, Undertaking, Recognizance, Peace Bond, Conditional Discharge, Probation Order or Conditional Sentence Order.

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Sexual & Indecent Acts

Sexual offences are especially serious and many now carry mandatory minimum jail sentences. Serious offences include: Sexual Assaults and Child Pornography charges; less serious charges include: Indecent Acts, Harassment and Prostitution.

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Statutory & Regulatory Violations

Statutory & Regulatory Violations

These offences are not criminal and usually result in a fine as a penalty. They involve violations of any Provincial Statute or Regulation, such as tickets under the Traffic Safety Act, or more serious offences like defrauding the government.

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